المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : awish

17 Oct 2003, 06:27

Today...I wish you a day of ordinary miracles-

A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself.

An unexpected phone call from an old friend.

Green stoplights on your way to work or shop.

I wish you a day of little things to rejoice in...

The fastest line at the grocery store.

A good sing-along song on the radio.

Your keys right where you look.

I wish you a day of happiness and perfection-

little bite-size pieces that give you the funny feeling that God is smiling on you, holding you so gently because you are someone special and rare.

I wish You a day of Peace, Happiness and Joy.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

اخت القمر
17 Oct 2003, 10:57
تسلم اخوي على الكلماااااااااااااااات

واتمنى لك السعادة

تحياتي اخت القمر

sadly owner
17 Oct 2003, 11:26
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

مشكور اخوي عالموضوع
اخوك :( الحزين

18 Oct 2003, 01:28
I wish you a day of happiness and perfection-

now i now it's a wish!!!

تسلم يا ملاك على الwish اللي من جد انها amazing

18 Oct 2003, 01:33
معليش يا شباب........الk حقت i know
سقطت سهوا........:D
نأسف لهذا الخلل المطبعي.....وانشالله ما يتكرر....

20 Oct 2003, 01:22
تسلموا حبايبي على تواجدكم وردكم الجميل
ولكم مني اخلص تحية :)